Our new Peptide+ Dog Food Has Launched ❤️

Betty and Butch's responsibly sourced adult dog food is highly digestible and grain-free with added proteins, vitamins and minerals.

Adult Dog Food

(40 products)

Our healthy food and recipes for adult dogs are rich in delicious flavour and nutritionally balanced with added proteins, vitamins and minerals. Betty & Butch's responsibly sourced adult dog food is highly digestible and grain-free, and does not contain wheat, gluten, fillers, soy, dyes, or corn. With sweet potato as an alternative to grains, this high source complex carbohydrate is high in B vitamins and slowly releases energy throughout the day, offering your dog plenty of fibre and much needed energy. In addition, it also includes natural sources of omega-3 and 6 for a healthy coat and skin, as well as calcium to support and maintain strong bones. Even the kibble shape has been designed to be of benefit for teeth - its hardness helps to keep your dog’s teeth clean.

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