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5 Things To Keep Away From Your Dog This Easter

By Kat Morgan  •  0 comments  •   5 minute read

Top 5 Things To Keep Away From Your Dog This Easter | BETTY & BUTCH®

Easter eggs, hot cross buns and blossoming flowers are just a few things we get to look forward to this Easter. As the first bank holiday since Christmas and New Year brings fresh, spring air and warmer days, it is important to keep in mind the raised dangers the Easter holiday will bring for our adorable pups.

Easter chocolate eggs


While we might be overindulging in chocolate Easter eggs and treats over the Easter weekend, dogs on the other hand should avoid these chocolate delights.

Dog owners have all heard the crucial advice that chocolate is bad for dogs, but do you know the reason why?

Whether it is milk chocolate, white or dark, all chocolate contains the chemical ‘theobromine’, which is highly toxic to dogs. The purer the chocolate, the more theobromine they contain.

Even a small amount can cause;

  • Vomiting
  • Diarrhoea
  • Hyperactivity
  • Heart Palpitations
  • Increased Urination
  • Salivation

In worse cases, consuming chocolate can cause seizures, cardiac failure and even death.

Whilst your dog may be giving you the puppy dog eyes for just a small square of chocolate, make sure they do not get their paws on any. If you are worried, you can always store your chocolate on a high surface, making it harder to reach and if you think your dog has eaten any, call your vet immediately and they can give you the most appropriate advice.

Easter Egg Hunt

Easter Egg Hunts

The most exciting activity of the Easter period, Easter egg hunts are entertaining and fun for the whole family. A lot of running around and scavenging for hidden treats, it is inevitable that your dog will want to join in too!

To make sure your dog doesn’t get their paws on any chocolate eggs, you can place the eggs in areas that your children can reach but your dog cannot. Kitchen drawers and cupboard drawers are great hiding places and even fruit bowls and clear jars.

If you have small children and these hiding places are just high enough that they can’t reach, a good idea would be to put the eggs in Tupperware or boxes so your dog can’t get into. You can even decorate the boxes with Easter wrapping paper with pretty bows to make them look a lot more festive.

In addition, you can always set up an Easter egg hunt for your dog as well!

Not only does it let them join in with all the fun but it’s very rewarding for your dog and a great source for mental stimulation. There are many treat options available that you can use for your dog’s Easter egg hunt. Meat strips are great because they are easily torn apart and you can scatter them across the garden, as well as most of our Deli Dog Treats because they are small enough to hide and they have a delicious smell so your dog can pick up the scent easily.

Hot cross buns and Simnel cakes

Hot Cross Buns & Simnel cake

Mmmm, warm hot cross buns and Simnel cakes are another tradition we get to enjoy when the Easter bunny makes an appearance this time of year. Traditionally made with raisins, currents and sultanas, both hot cross buns and Simnel cakes are another item that we should keep away from our pets.

Dried forms of these fruits are even more toxic to our dogs than grapes and even though it is not known what is in these dried fruits that causes problems for our dogs, they have some very bad effects even on large breeds.

The possible side effects include;

  • Vomiting
  • Diarrhoea
  • Decrease in Urination
  • Upset Stomach

In worse cases, kidney failure and death. The possible side effects can be delayed up to 24 to 72 hours so it is best to prevent your dog from sniffing them out and offer them dog treats that you know will not cause any problems.

Spring Flowers Daffodils

Plants and Flowers

Adding colour and a wonderful scent to any room, Spring is the time of year when we get flowering bulbs of Daffodils, Tulips, Crocus, Bluebells, and Hyacinths. Although they are pretty to look, it is important to keep an eye on your pooch when they are around these beautiful plants and flowers.

Although dogs don’t tend to be interested in them (other than urinating on them!), these flowers are poisonous to dogs and they can accidentally swallow the bulbs if they are digging and playing around near them.

Flower poisoning side effects include;

  • Vomiting
  • Diarrhoea
  • Upset Stomach
  • Salivation
  • Sleepy and Wobbly
  • Irritation of the Month

On the rare occasion, the poisoning can cause collapsing, seizures and heart and breathing problems.

Either bring some dog-friendly flowers home, store them in a jar on a high surface or just keep an eye on your dog when they are playing near them. If you think your dog has digested anything they shouldn’t have, do not wait until side effects arise, call your vet asap to get the most appropriate advice.

Easter roast dinner

Roast Dinner

What will you be having on your Easter dinner? The traditional roast lamb? Maybe chicken or vegetarian?

Whilst you and your family are sitting down, enjoying your roast dinner, it is hard to not give your dog any, particularly if those puppy dog eyes are staring at you again. However, most roast dinners include many ingredients that are toxic to dogs and can cause a range of problems.

Scraps of leftover dinners are typically too salty and fatty for dogs which can cause upset and sensitive tummies. It is also important to keep in mind that gravy and stuffing often contain onion and garlic which contain a substance that damages red blood cells. They are highly toxic to dogs which can lead anaemia - a life threatening condition.

Typically, it is not a good idea to give your dog leftover food from a roast dinner, especially if you don’t know what the scraps contain. However, if it’s a tradition that you all eat your Easter Sunday meal together, it is safe to give your dog a small portion of the following foods;

  • Lean parts of white meat like turkey or lamb (make sure no bones remain!)
  • Raw carrots or boiled (no added condiments like butter or salt)
  • Boiled or steamed green vegetables (green beans, broccoli, sprouts, peas)
  • Plain mashed or boiled potatoes (no added condiments)

Keep Your Dog Safe This Easter

Easter can be a very exciting time, especially for children and there can be a lot going on even if we are still in lockdown. It will be unrealistic to say to keep an eye on your dog 24/7 but just bear in mind that there will be a lot more tasty smells and yummy treats circling around that your dog will take an interest in.

If you do think your dog has eaten any of the items listed above and side effects start to arise, speak to your vet straight away and avoid making your dog sick because it can lead to more problems.

From Betty & Butch we hope you have a Happy Easter and enjoy your Easter break with your adorable dogs!

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