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Deer Legs for Dogs: Are They Good or Bad?

By Kat Morgan  •  0 comments  •   5 minute read

Deer Legs for Dogs: Are They Good or Bad? | BETTY & BUTCH®

Surely Deer Legs are dangerous for our dogs to eat right? Actually no, they are perfectly safe and provide a whole range of wholesome benefits for your dog.

Deer Legs For Dogs

It is very common for pet owners to assume that if dog treats have the word ‘bone’ in it, it’s dangerous for our dogs to consume because bones can splinter and cause blockages in your dog’s throat. However, it all depends on how the bones have been made.

We previously covered this topic in a previous blog – Are Chicken Feet Good For My Dog? The Facts and Nutrition – that animals bones which have been cooked in any way like boiled or fried, these are the ones to watch out for. They are a choking hazard, can cause serious bowel blockages and broken teeth, and the cooking process even strips away the bone’s essential nutrients. So what about deer leg bones?

Can Dogs Eat Deer Legs?

Can Dogs Eat Deer Legs?

Yes they can! This is because our Deer Leg Bone Dog Chews are not cooked at all, which means they are safe for your dog to chew and slowly munch on.

They go through a gentle air drying process which prevents the bones going hard like glass whilst also helping to retain all their nutrients and added benefits.

It is safe for your dog to consume all of the tendons and marrow on the inside but it is not recommended for dogs to consume the whole bone itself and you should only give the bone at maximum of 30 minute sittings.

Can All Dogs Eat Deer Legs?

As you know, all dogs are unique and have their own little personality, meaning that some dogs like to devour their treats in seconds and others may take their time and cherish every moment with their treat. Deer legs are generally very safe but not recommended for dogs who like to eat their treats fast.

The reason why we don’t recommend this is because of the risk of choking with dogs who like to devour treats fast. They may not eat small parts over a long period of time and try to swallow a large portion all at once. This is why deer legs are also not suitable for puppies and very small dogs because of the risk if they swallow a large portion.

You must always bear in mind when picking a chew for your dog, is the treat size appropriate? And does it match their chewing habits?

If so and your dog is the type to slowly gnaw on treats and bite small parts away, deer legs are the ultimate, natural, protein chew!

Health Benefits of Deer Legs for Dogs

Deer legs are a long bone type which means they have a hard, smooth surface with marrow and meat surrounding the inside and outside. There are a whole range of significant benefits to deer legs which are excellent for your dog’s health.

✔️ Long lasting

With a firm, tasty texture, deer legs are long lasting and dogs can spend hours, days or even weeks munching on these treats. This also means they are ideal for dogs with strong and powerful jaws, deer legs are a good challenge that keeps them happy and entertained.

✔️ Natural Dental Aid

Delivering a various, long lasting texture, deer legs are excellent at cleaning your dog’s teeth. They aid by removing tartar and plaque build up during the natural chewing process. Their firm consistency is even beneficial in strengthening your dog’s jaws and teeth which is vital for a dog’s health and wellbeing.

✔️ Combats Boredom

As you may know, chewing and gnawing on things is a natural instinct for all dogs. Dogs can spend hours playing and chewing on a deer leg which helps to combat boredom and relieve stress and anxiety.

✔️ Bone, Joint, & Coat Health

The cartilage inside the bone and soft tissue attached to the outside of the bone provides a component known as collagen which is very beneficial to your dog’s diet that helps to improve their bone, joint and coat health.

✔️ Full of Delicious Nutrients

Deer bones also contain fat, calcium, manganese, iron, and a high protein content which are all essential and complimentary to your dog’s health and wellbeing. Dogs who have the occasional deer leg bone digest more calcium phosphate, protein, and calcium than if they just eat their normal kibble.

✔️ Hypoallergenic

A single protein source, Deer is a fantastic alternative to more widely available proteins you would see on the market. If your dog has common protein allergies or sensitivities, especially to chicken or beef, why not give deer a try because it is very unlikely it would be over exposed in your dog’s diet before, meaning it’s hypoallergenic and less likely to cause an allergic reaction in your dog.

✔️ Low in Cholesterol and Fat

Low in fat and cholesterol content, Deer Legs are the perfect treat for medium to large dogs who are on low fat diets. You wouldn’t have to worry about any high fat content which is commonly seen in commercial pet foods which cause quick weight gain.

✔️ 100% Natural

Not only are Deer Legs gluten and grain free which is ideal for dogs who suffer with sensitivities or intolerances to these food groups, they are a completely natural product with no added artificial ingredients, preservatives or flavours!

Deer Legs are Safe for Dogs!

If your dog is not the type to eat their treats fast, a puppy or a toy dog, then deer legs are perfectly safe for your dog to enjoy. They mainly suit medium to large breeds who slowly gnaw away on treats and are very beneficial for dogs who have powerful jaws.

Deer Leg Dog Chew

Deer legs are non toxic, entirely natural and hold many significant values that are amazing for your dog’s health and diet. The occasional recreational bone is very beneficial for your dog’s wellbeing, not only for their diet but for their teeth and jaws too. 

If you’re looking for more long lasting treats for your dog why not try our Veal Bone, Sow Ear, Buffalo Ear with Meat or Camel Skin Dog Chew.

So, head over to one of our shops or order online today to get a Deer Leg Bone for your dog and remember, always supervise your dog while eating to ensure safety.

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