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What are Dog Slow Feeders?

By Natalie Adams  •  0 comments  •   5 minute read

What are Dog Slow Feeders?

Do you want to Slow Down Your Dog's Eating? Check out our review of the best slow feeders for dogs! We'll help you choose the right one for your pup.

Dog Slow Feeders and their Purpose

Dog slow feeders are a new way to help your furry friend eat at a healthy pace. These bowls and mats challenge dogs, forcing them to work for their meal instead of chowing it down in seconds.

They help prevent bloating and vomiting, as well as discourage behavioural issues such as begging, aggression or gorging. As if that isn't enough, these feeders also provide mental stimulation and make mealtime much more entertaining for your pup! 

Whether you have a rescue that scarfs down its food or an enthusiastic eater, dog slow feeders are a great addition to every pup's dining room routine.
View our range of dog slow feeders here: Shop Now

How a Dog Slow Feeder Works

A dog slow feeder can provide your pup with a healthy, safe way to enjoy their meals. This type of feeder consists of a bowl or tray that contains grooves and ridges that are designed to slow down eating by forcing your pup to navigate around them to get their food. 

The grooves create smaller pieces for your pet that encourages slower, more mindful eating. Eating slowly offers many benefits for dogs such as improved digestion, reduced risk of bloat, and less regurgitation. 

A slow feeder is also beneficial for picky eaters because the novel design encourages them to explore their food and enjoy it slowly instead of gulping it down in one go. Whether they're a slow eater or prone to overeating, this type of feeder can be a big help in making mealtime safer and more enjoyable.

Different Types of Dog Slow Feeders

With an ever-growing market of pet products, it can be hard to decide which items are truly beneficial and which are simply gimmicks. Slow feeders have emerged as a practical way to help manage your pup's eating habits while also providing important mental stimulation. 

There are various types of slow feeders available on the market today that all come with their own benefits and features. For example, some slow feeders, such as raised mazes or bowls with ridges, could be beneficial for dogs who suffer from diseases like bloat or who eat with too much gusto. 

Others offer clever challenges that may help to keep your dog entertained for hours on end. Regardless of what type you choose, carefully consider their needs and look for a design that encourages them to take their time when eating meals.

Size and Style of Dog Slow Feeders

Choosing the right pet slow feeder for your dog can play an important role in their well-being. If you are not sure what size to pick, measure the diameter of your dog's muzzle and head circumference and find a feeder with a hole size that would best fit around its snout. 

Additionally, there are many slow feeder styles to choose from depending on how much food you want the feeder to hold at one time. For instance, if you have a smaller breed, you may prefer something shallow with multiple compartments like a bowl or plate-style slow feeder. 

However, if you have a larger breed that eats more food, an elevated bowl or interactive puzzle feeder would be ideal as they may accommodate larger meals and last longer. 

No matter what shape or size of slow feeder you choose, keep in mind that it should always promote healthy eating habits while also providing your pup with maximum comfort and enjoyment at mealtime!

Our favourite slow feeders:




Homemade Dog Slow Feeder Tips

If you want to give your pup a healthy challenge with mealtime, homemade dog slow feeders are the way to go! 

They're quick and easy to throw together, and best of all, can be tailored to whatever size and shape your furry friend needs. All you need is an empty plastic container with a lid and some kitchen utensils. 

Start by cutting several small circles in the top of the lid and then creating channels, curves, or twisting paths within it. Once it's been designed to your specifications, place kibble or treats along the path - voila! 

With minimal effort, you've got an enjoyable puzzle feeder that will captivate your pup while keeping them occupied at mealtimes.

Pros and Cons of Dog Slow Feeders

A dog slow feeder is a great tool for pet owners to ensure their furry friend is eating the right amount of food and staying healthy. On the plus side, they can be used with many types of dry and wet food, are easily portable and can help decrease your pup’s chances of suffering from such conditions as bloat. 

They also extend your pup’s mealtime which can keep them distracted for longer periods. However, some slow feeders may require periodic cleaning and not all dogs take to them quickly. 

This can lead to frustrations on both sides. Additionally, if an owner has a multi-pet household, it might not be suitable since having multiple dogs trying to eat from one feeder could result in food aggression issues. 

Overall, while they may provide certain benefits, pet owners should do their research first before investing in a dog slow feeder.

In closing, dog slow feeders are an excellent tool to help improve digestion and reduce food anxiety in canines. 

By breaking down meals into smaller pieces and preventing gulping and bloating, dog slow feeders offer many health benefits that make them worth the investment for any pet parent. 

For those who prefer a more customised option, there are plenty of recipes out there that allow you to create your own slow feeder at home. Be sure to choose one that is the right size and style for your particular pup, as this will have the greatest impact on their health. 

All in all, if you're looking for something to improve your pet's feeding habits while saving you some money in the process, then a dog slow feeder may be just what you need!

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